What is CBD?
Introduction to Industrial Hemp
Cannabidiol or CBD is not yet a well-known acronym, but as an affiliate of CBD BioCare I believe that will change as more people learn about the benefits of this amazing cannabis extract. We are dedicated to bringing more CBD hemp oil products to the open marketplace.
We already know that there are many plants such as Aloe Vera, Lavender, Chamomile and many others that contain healing properties. So, it should not be surprising that the cannabis plant also has medicinal benefits.
Chemically, CBD is one of more than 80 chemical substances known as Cannabinoids, which are all found in the cannabis plant. CBD is the second most abundant compound in cannabis, typically representing up to 40% of its extracts. The first is Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. We offer a wide variety of CBD products for pain relief, skin care, pets and more!!! Click the button below to unveil more about nature's supplement today!!!
The Different Types Of Cannabis

In simple terms, cannabis that is grown to have high levels of THC is marijuana and cannabis grown with less than .03% THC and high levels of CBD is called hemp. In fact, the legal term for the hemp that is grown to produce our CBD oil is called industrial hemp. We extract from the whole plant, predominantly leaves and flowers, to receive all the cannabinoids in the plant. The product is called full spectrum CBD hemp oil. Any oil extracted from marijuana plants are illegal in most states.

Why and how does CBD work?
There's a scientific reason why CBD works. It has to do with our bodies natural cannabinoid receptors. It turns out that cannabinoid receptors play a host of vital roles in our bodies. Found in nerve tissue, lung, liver, intestine, kidney, lymphatic tissue, and the spleen, the CB1 and CB2 receptors play roles in our immune system and blood formation functions. Other processes they control include cognition, memory, anxiety, motor behavior, sensory, autonomic and neuroendocrine responses, glucose metabolism and insulin resistance, inflammatory effects, control of the vomiting reflex, nausea, hunger, and appetite control. This system is also responsible for the pleasure we get from exercise.
Why is CBD great for your skin?
CBD oil and creams are beneficial for skin for numerous reasons. Our bodies endocannabinoid system plays a major role in the body's response to pain and injury. If your skin is damaged or irritated, your body's natural endocannabinoids are there to help. When you apply a CBD infused cream or oil onto your skin it is able to interact with these receptors in a localized area and come to the rescue. More and more studies are being conducted and proven its benefits and the results are exciting for its anti-aging and medicinal properties. But what sets our skincare apart from others in the industry is simply quality. When this extract is infused into skin creams it is extremely effective in fighting wrinkles, minimizing sun damage, softening under-eye bags to providing relief for irritated skin. Therefore, scientists have concluded that skincare products that target the endocannabinoid system are likely to be a fundamental element of next-generation skincare treatments.
How much CBD oil should I take for my symptoms?
CBD-hemp oil comes in various forms. We only offer one product that can be consumed. This is our CBD oil that we offer in three concentrations, 250mg, 500mg and 750mg. The fact remains that everyone is in a different place and will react differently to their CBD dosage. Serving size or dosage of CBD differs for each person, it is best to start small and gradually increase until you experience the desired result.
How do I take CBD oil?
CBD is most commonly taken orally in a concentrated drop. To take CBD oil first hold it under the tongue to be absorbed in the mouth prior to swallowing. This step is important because some of the CBD taken will be broken down by the digestive system. One should take a full tincture on day one to see how they respond. The following day take ten drops every couple of hours until the optimal results are attained. The dose can be increased or decreased based on response. CBD can also be absorbed into the skin by taking it through the skin via oil, balms and creams.